Close cooperation
Regardless whether you present new groundbreaking ideas or ask for refinement of already existing products, a cooperation with Persano takes its point of departure in close dialogue. We provide qualified counselling through all phases from idea to finished product. Our goal is to ensure maximum added value to your product. Persano handles all phases of the product development process - from samples and laboratory testing to production, labelling, packaging, storage, and distribution. Basically, we can develop and produce anything within personal care. We distinguish ourselves by products of high quality and optimized production flow.

Competent counselling
Persano commands a competent development department with pharmacists and chemical engineers, ready to advise you. They specialize in developing safe skincare products and are well acquainted with the effects of various ingredients on both people and the environment. Due to our many years of experience, we have established a large database of knowhow on products and market conditions which will benefit you in the initial development phase.

Design and packaging
The development process includes an agreement concerning packaging. It is important to choose the right packaging, both in relation to contents as well as branding, so that the end product is a 360-degree solution where all elements interact optimally. The Persano Group has its own packaging facility where we develop and produce all kinds of packaging. This means that we can customize the packaging of your product. You can also choose packaging from an external supplier. No matter what you decide, you benefit from our experience and know-how so that you avoid expensive mistakes.